Hello Friends,

Appreciate that SAP is Hot in the market and will continue to be for another 3 to 6 years.There are various factors supporting the fact that SAP will pioneer in ERP segment.

The following is the Caution or Request for the SAP aspirants in particular.

1.Dont be desperate to accept the Offers made by these Head hunting or Just Payroll running companies in Singapore.

2.Most of the "Big-Clients" know that Indians are Tech Savvy,hard working and Sincere and come with very good Functional and Educational backgrounds!!
Particularly SAP market is mojored by Indians per se.
So dont fall for accepting the SAP Contracts between 3 to 5 Months.

3. Contracts between 3 to 5 months will only majorly handled or given to small Head hunting or Manpower companies since they are also desperate to establish themselves for a Clientele and these Companies in turn exploit the SAP consultants and make us desperate!!

4. As a Senior Consultant I can guarantee that no Project in SAP can be completed in 3 to 5 months. (a)If a Consultant is hired for this duration then he/she is screwed only to "Solve" un-resolved gaps in the Project which are normally could not be handled by Permanent Staff in the Organisation.
(b) If a Consultant is hired for this duration is to do either the crappy testing or documenting or User helpdesk role for a Production Support.Since initially when an Implementation is done there will be so many Production bugs in the Post Implementation Warranty period and these issues will not be usually handled by the Implementation Company or Permanent staff will not be ready to do this Job!!!
In both the above situations Guy hired for short duration will be exploited and Humiliated and finally removed after the Contract is finished!! Then again you're on the Street searching for another Offer. This is a very vicious circle and life will become crippled, Since everyone in the SAP market will take us for a Ride!!

5. There will no kind of Emotional Support from Head hunting or Payroll companies in first place. Secondly there will be no Medical leaves nor Medical insurance or any benefits supported by these Small Consulting or Head hunting or Payroll companies!!

6. The above short term duration Projects are coming as a New trend because our SAP fraternity guys are falling for these Jobs and accepting them for less Salary without any benefits per se and becoming desperate for getting Jobs.

7.SAP guys please dont be desperate and accept lesser salaries.There are so many avenues for working in SAP.Make your Skill-sets very firm and improve your domains very strong then there will be So many Countries or Companies which can pave path for Indians!!!

8.SAP is like a BIG elephant in the Market and SAP guys are like Elephant Trainers.Please be united and Command good salary and Good working culture and Life!!!

Thankx again for reading the above .....I would really appreciate if anybody in this group can comment and make this Objective strong!!

Have a great time ahead.