IT Magazines

Friday, August 29, 2008

1. Computeen - Promotion of awareness about computers among students

2. Computer ResellerNews - Computer trade publication

3. Cyber Media (India) - Publisher of computer magazines

4. DQ Week Madras - Online IT news source for Madras region

5. Data Quest - Fortnightly magazine on Information technology

6. Ejourno - Online news delivery to journalists

7. Electronics For U - Guide on computer hardware

8. Express Computer - Weekly computer publication from Indian Express group

9. INOMY - Internet economy news

10. Indian Programmer - Magazine for computer professionals

11. Informatics - Quartely news letter from NICNET

12. Living Digital - Monthly information source for home computing

13. Network Magazine - Monthly publication on Network management

14. PC Quest - Monthly computer magazine

15. Silicon India - Monthly computer magazine published from North America

16. TechMantra - Tech business magazine published from Silicon Valley

17. The Indian Techonomist - Indian computer news bulletin

18. Voice and Data - Magazine on networking & communications

19. ZDNet India - IT news, product reviews and downloads